
The #1 Essential For Kick-Butt Marketing

The #1 Essential For Kick-Butt Marketing

Ted St. Martin has a gift.

It’s a unique talent, one which he’s performed at countless charity events, grand openings, and malls.

His ability outperforms professionals six decades younger, and his world record stands unmatched after almost twenty-five years.

Now in his eighties, Ted’s reputation makes him a sought-after teacher.

“I'm sure people wonder why this talent found its way to me,” he says. “But God gave it to me, and I'm making the most of it.”

What can Ted do better than anyone else on the planet?

Shoot free throws.

Though he never played in college or the NBA, Ted nailed a hoop to the side of a dairy barn and started shooting in his mid-thirties.

Soon, he made two hundred in a row. Then five hundred.

On June 25, 1977, he broke his previous record by shooting 2,036 times without a miss.

But he was just warming up.

In 1996 while giving a clinic, he smashed his past attempts. It took him 7 hours and 20 minutes, but he ended with 5,221 free throws in a row.

What’s his secret?

It’s simple. His shooting process is the same each time. He holds the ball at his chin and pushes from the waist up. While the technique isn’t pretty, it produces lots of swishes.

The repetition and muscle memory works like magic.


Repeat your marketing message over and over.

Repeat your marketing message over and over.

Think about the message for your business. You’re probably tired of saying it, wondering if it sounds like a broken record.

But remember, most people are hearing it for the first time. Messages are more effective when repeated:

  • Maxwell House Coffee has used the tagline, “Good To The Last Drop” since 1915

  • Wheaties has used “Breakfast of Champions” since 1927

  • M&M’s has used “Melts In Your Mouth, Not In Your Hands” since 1949

Effective marketing resembles a constant drumbeat.

That doesn’t mean it’s boring or irritating.

Take your million-dollar message and slice and dice it using a variety of media choices. Then surround it with ever-changing creative elements.

You can dress your core message in all types of new clothes.

Repeated exposure really does work.

Think about remembering names. Before you can confidently recall someone’s name, it usually takes a few times. But once you have it, the recall sticks.

Studies show that people need to see or hear something seven times before it’s remembered.

In marketing terms, we call it frequency. The more your message intersects with your target market, the more likely their trust in you grows.

Give it time.

Maybe you’re questioning all your website updates, social media posts, and blogs. Maybe you’re second-guessing your online ads or traditional media spots.

If you’ve dialed in your message, keep on shooting. Don’t grow weary. Just because you’ve heard it before doesn’t mean others have.

Like most things in life, give it time to work. Step up to the free-throw line and repeat your message over and over, using solid fundamentals.

The swishes will follow.

Need Help With Your Marketing Consistency?

It’s what we do at Genie Jar Digital.

We help small business owners like you with both traditional and online marketing tools so you can grow your leads and sales:

  • Marketing strategy

  • Website design

  • Online ads

  • Search engine optimization

  • Email campaigns

  • Graphic design

  • Copywriting

  • TV and radio ads

  • Videography

To get started, schedule a quick call using our online calendar below.

About Me

Hey, I’m Brian, co-founder of Genie Jar Digital. Born a Tar Heel but now a Virginian, I’m a father of five and the husband of one amazing lady. My family has a thing for Golden Retrievers. Given the right circumstances, I can do a mean moonwalk on a slick kitchen floor.