Did you hear about the International Space Station? They recently unveiled a surprise addition for future space flights.
What could it be?
… A new, fancy console?
… A big technology upgrade?
… Updated spacesuits?
NOPE. You’ll never guess what it is...
Twenty years after the first crew, astronauts will finally be able to bake fresh cookies.
Yes, seriously.
NASA is installing a test oven designed for zero gravity, and their experimental food item will be cookie dough.
But doesn’t NASA have bigger issues to focus on? Maybe not. Officials say the oven will help crew members experience “psychological and physiological” benefits.
The cookies provide comfort food as the astronauts experience an often frightening, out-of-this-world journey. They’re reminded of the benefits of home while they explore the great unknown.
What’s the marketing lesson? Focus on the benefits!
If you want to keep morale high for astronauts, don’t give them more training manuals. Give them chewy, soft cookies.
Down on earth, the same principle applies.
For example, if you’re marketing coffee machines, don’t focus solely on the rows of buttons and fancy timers. Instead, hype what makes people happy. Tell them your machine is easy-to-use and makes fast, hot, great-tasting coffee.
Theodore Levitt, a famous professor at Harvard Business School, once said: “People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole!”
A potential customer wrestles with one primary question: “How will this help me?” When you’re laser-focused on answering that question, your sales will rocket.
Here are 8 guiding questions when communicating your benefits:
What is the solution to the one big problem a lot of my customers have?
How can I make them feel good about solving this problem?
Where are places I can put this message front and center?
What is a problem that most of my customers might not realize they have?
How do my images reinforce these benefits?
What is the benefit of the benefit?
How can I use the pronoun “you” more?
How do I answer the “So What?” question from a potential customer?
In your marketing, make it about the customer. Focus on how your product/service will solve a problem, make their life simpler, and put a smile on their face.
Talk about the benefits. Put stars in their eyes. Focus on the cookies.
It makes the ride a lot more fun.
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